MP Hints That Visa Restrictions May Soon Be Lifted For Bulgarian and Romanian Nationals

The Sofia News Agency has reported that the UK may soon remove all visa requirements for Bulgarian nationals.

UK Member of Parliament Mike Gapes has met with the Bulgarian authorities in Sofia. including Prime Minister Stanishev.

The report seems to contradict the remarks of the British Home Secretary, John Reid, who recently hinted that Bulgarian and Romanian nationals would not be given an immediate right to work in the UK following the countries' accession to the European Union in January 2007.

There are already many Bulgarian and Romanian business people resident in the UK under the ECAA agreement between the two countries and the EU, which allows Bulgarian and Romanian nationals to set up a business in an EU member State. However full EU membership without restrictions would allow any national of the two countries the right to come to the UK to work, study or provide services, without having to set up a valid and viable business.

If you require advice on this or any other UK immigration issue, please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialist lawyers and advisors.