Visa Services Update

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has updated its 'Visa section closures and restrictions' section on the Ukvisas website, as follows. Please note that the information below is produced by Ukvisas and is correct on 23 October 2006.

'Algeria: restricted service The visa section of the British Embassy, Algiers closed to the public on 18 March 2004. A restricted service is available only for certain 'fast-track' applicants.

Bangladesh: restricted service The British Home Office has announced that from 7 June 2006, the British High Commission in Bangladesh will cease to accept working holidaymaker visa applications until further notice.

Eritrea: temporary closure of visa section We regret to inform you that the visa section at the British Embassy Asmara will remain temporarily closed for operational reasons.

Ivory Coast: closure of the British Embassy in Abidjan Following the closure of the British Embassy in Abidjan, our visa section in Accra, Ghana handles all visa applications for applicants from Ivory Coast. Follow this link for details about applying for a visa in Accra.

Malawi: changes to visa applications procedures Due to extensive construction works, the British High Commission in Lilongwe closed to the public on 23 December 2005. Starting with 3 January 2006, all visa applications should be submitted via the DHL offices in Lilongwe and Blantyre.

Malaysia: all applications accepted except working holidaymakers On the 2 April 2005 it was announced by the Home Office that the British High Commission in Malaysia would cease to accept working holidaymaker visa applications until further notice.

Pakistan: all applications accepted except working holidaymakers The visa section in Islamabad accepts applications for all categories except working holidaymakers. Follow this link for details about applying for a UK visa in Pakistan.

Sierra Leone: restricted service to visa applicants from Guinea With effect from 22 May 2003 the visa office of the British High Commission, Freetown is offering a restricted service to visa applicants from Guinea.

Sri Lanka: all applications accepted except working holidaymakers On the 2 April 2005 it was announced by the Home Office that the British High Commission in Sri Lanka would cease to accept working holidaymaker visa applications until further notice.

Tonga: Visa service for Tonga moves to Fiji With effect from 1 February 2006 responsibility for handling visa applications from Tonga will pass from the British High Commission in Nuku'Alofa to the British High Commission in Suva, Fiji.

Vanuatu: closure of visa section in Port Vila From 21 October 2005, the British High Commission, Port Vila will close to the public. The responsibility for all entry clearance issues will pass to the British High Commission in Suva (Fiji).

Yemen: limited service through FedEx Following the temporary closure on 6 January, the Visa Section at the British Embassy, Sana'a has resumed a limited visa service in cooperation with FedEx offices throughout Yemen'.

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