Work permits – new Home Office guidance on travel

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The Home Office has issued new guidance on travel by work permit holders. This guidance only affects people:
• With a work-permit valid for six months or less
• Who are non-visa nationals

The UK does not require nationals of all countries in the world to obtain entry clearance (a visa) for a short visit. Those who do not need entry clearance are known as ‘non-visa’ nationals.

The new guidance states that if a non-visa national work permit holder with a work permit valid for six months or less has not obtained entry clearance then, if they travel outside the Common Travel Area, they will not automatically be allowed to re-enter the UK. Instead, it will be for the Immigration Officer at the port of entry to decide whether or not to let them in. As to the circumstances in which the Immigration Officer might refuse such entry, the example given is where the basis on which the work permit was first issued has changed.

The Common Travel Area means the UK, the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

What can you do to protect yourself against getting stopped at port? If you are a non-visa national with a work permit of six months or less and need to travel outside the Common Travel Area then one option is to obtain entry clearance before you travel. Work permit holders, including sportspeople and entertainers, and people on the Training and Work Experience (TWES) Scheme are among those affected by the revised guidance.

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