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Posted by: Gherson Immigration

Hi! Im Victoria, one of the legal secretaries here at Gherson. I am doing a sponsored 10,000ft skydive in aid of Alzheimer's Society. This is a charity I feel strongly about as my nan is currently suffering from it and it is heartbreaking to watch! Thanks to people's kind donations I have managed to raise 124% of my target, which is absolutely amazing, but more donations mean more help and support to families of sufferers and also funding research into the treatment for the condition!


I have four days until I do the dive in Peterborough and I am now SO scared! Let's wish for there to be no low clouds and no high winds! I will send out a picture once I have done it and also post it on my Just Giving site. In the meantime, please continue to sponsor me for this cause on Wish me luck and safe landings!!

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