INTERPOL discusses Red Notice abuse at General Assembly

04 Dec 2023, 00 mins ago

In a blog published at the time, we examined what was discussed at this conference.

References were made to an increase in crimes linked to the conflict in Ukraine, including financial and cybercrime, such as online scams, phishing and malware development. 

We also mentioned a briefing on the launch of INTERPOL’s Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Centre (“IFCACC”).  As has been previously discussed, this should result in much more sophisticated international information-sharing.  

INTERPOL’s General Assembly

INTERPOL recently gathered whilst celebrating its hundredth anniversary.

The theme at INTERPOL’s General Assembly in Vienna, attended by more than a thousand police and law enforcement officers, has been ensuring that the correct checks are in place to prevent the misuse of the INTERPOL Red Notice.

Indeed, the INTERPOL Red Notice is an invaluable tool in assisting jurisdictions across the world in locating, detaining and returning individuals suspected to be involved in criminal activity.

However, there have been numerous examples of the Red Notice being abused, and INTERPOL has faced criticism on numerous occasions.

Partly in response, INTERPOL has set up a team of experts to vet notices before they are published.  However, cases still slip through the net, and INTERPOL will have to implement a block whilst further enquiries are made. 

To protect those granted refugee status, INTERPOL has also implemented a new refugee policy. We have examined this in a blog titled what is INTERPOL’s policy on refugee status.

What does all this mean – enhanced police cooperation but potential to challenge?

INTERPOL continues to identify and expand into areas for enhanced cooperation and thus extensively extend its reach and capabilities.

With regards to investigations against individuals, the potential for enhanced information-sharing and easier access to evidence, from a broader scope, may ultimately result in charges being brought against those who are based in the UK, extradition requests being issued against those based abroad, or INTERPOL Red Notices more readily leading to extradition proceedings being initiated. 

Therefore, if you have conducted business and are worried about liability, if you have unresolved financial matters, such as even an outstanding civil dispute, and you fear that you may be subject to INTERPOL measures, including a Red Notice, expert legal advice should be immediately sought.

How Gherson can help

Those who fear that they may be subject to INTERPOL measures, including a Red Notice, should take heed.

Indeed, Gherson Solicitors continue to receive requests for expert advice and assistance from those who fear they may have outstanding financial issues arising. That advice tackles:   

  1. How to best approach a possible INTERPOL red notice;
  2. Preparing for potential criminal proceedings / an extradition request;
  3. Preparing for a situation where a civil matter or commercial dispute could be used to initiate bogus criminal proceedings; and
  4. Even exploring the possibility of instigating civil litigation proceedings to recover any misappropriated assets.

Gherson have previously written a series of blogs designed to assist those who fear they might be subject to INTERPOL measures (including a Red Notice):

INTERPOL and Red Notice Challenges

How to Remove an INTERPOL Red Notice

INTERPOL Red Notices and Extradition

How do I know if I am subject to an INTERPOL Red Notice.

Gherson has decades of experience in assisting with all aspects of INTERPOL, Red Notice challenges and extradition. If you would like to speak to us in respect of any of the issues raised in this blog or about your specific circumstances,  do not hesitate to contact us for advice, send us an , or alternatively, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to stay-up-to-date.

The information in this blog is for general information purposes only and does not purport to be comprehensive or to provide legal advice. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information and law is current as of the date of publication it should be stressed that, due to the passage of time, this does not necessarily reflect the present legal position. Gherson accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information contained in this blog. For formal advice on the current law please do not hesitate to contact Gherson. Legal advice is only provided pursuant to a written agreement, identified as such, and signed by the client and by or on behalf of Gherson.

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