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Posted by: Gherson Immigration

Gherson will be attending the fourth annual Post-Secondary Transfer Options Fair at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary, Canada on 15 November 2012. Thirty-eight colleges, universities and organisations from across Alberta, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and the UK will also attend to speak to students, alumni, faculty and staff about degree completion opportunities across the world.


As you may recall from previous Gherson blog entries, students looking to come to the UK from outside the EEA may have been disheartened by recent headlines. Gherson staff members will be available at the event to discuss the requirements for obtaining entry clearance to the UK as a student, as well as options for extending their stay post-study.


Stay tuned to the Gherson blog and newsletter for a recap of this event. If you happen to be in Calgary, then feel free to say hello at the Gherson stand. As always, anyone wishing to make an application for entry clearance to the UK is strongly advised to seek professional advice.

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