Extradition Solicitors

Extradition is the formal legal process by which one country asks another country for the return of an individual to face a criminal trial in the requesting state. 

Extradition Solicitors

Extradition Requests in the UK

Extradition in the UK is a streamlined process and moves extremely quickly, particularly in cases concerning arrest warrants issued by European Union countries under Part 1 of the Extradition Act 2003.

Our highly skilled and experience extradition lawyers can advise you in relation to all possible defences to an extradition request.

The team has unparalleled experience in handling complex cases involving politically motivated charges and has substantial experience in dealing with requests from the Russian Federation and other former Soviet States. We have also been involved in high profile cases involving the USA and EU countries.

We specialise in asylum and immigration law, which have become increasingly more relevant in extradition cases. The interplay between extradition and these areas requires careful consideration when approaching tactical case decisions. Having the ability to call on leading practitioners in these areas places us in a unique position amongst other firms who solely specialise in extradition.

We maintain an impressive network of lawyers abroad who are able to assist in representing our clients and are equally experienced in managing large multi-jurisdictional teams.  Our stellar reputation in this area has granted us excellent relationships with leading domestic and international experts who we can call upon in areas such as prison conditions, human rights, medicine, and politics.

Extradition Requests From Abroad

Our team of legal experts provides advice and assistance for clients who are arrested while abroad.

Extradition is a complex area of law, and we understand the difficulties faced by individuals in securing the necessary local expertise when in a foreign country.  We have unparalleled experience in handling these situations and regularly manage large teams of lawyers in different jurisdictions to provide individuals with the very best defence at their disposal.

Where necessary our lawyers will travel abroad to assist clients and assemble the necessary teams of experts in the relevant jurisdictions to ensure complete protection.  Our team is also able to provide expert strategic advice to individuals facing an international criminal investigation and with regards to any associated INTERPOL issues.

We have successfully represented clients who have been arrested on extradition requests in: France, Italy, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, and Monaco.

For more information about us and our Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance and Interpol services, please contact a member of the team who can answer any questions and guide you through the process.

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What are the defences against extradition?

An extradition lawyer will be able to advise you whether…

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An extradition lawyer will be able to advise you whether there are any technical defects to the extradition request or procedure that mean you should be discharged.

If there are no defects in the request and the offences are what are described as “extradition offences” – again an extradition lawyer will be able to advise you on this – then the court will consider whether your extradition should be barred for various reasons. These include, but are not limited to the following:
Double jeopardy – you have already dealt with the offences

Extraneous considerations – the warrant has in fact been issued to persecute you, or you would face prejudice on your return as a result of your race, religion, gender, sexuality or political beliefs
Passage of time – it would be unfair or oppressive to extradite you because of the time that has past since the offence or conviction

Forum – the offence should be prosecuted in the UK rather than the requesting country

It is also possible to defeat the request for extradition if you can demonstrate that:
You were involuntarily convicted in your absence and you are not entitled to a retrial
Your extradition would not comply with your human rights under the European Convention on Human Rights
Your physical or mental health is such that it would be unjust or oppressive to extradite you
The extradition is an abuse of process

These potential defences are often complex and require the careful use of evidence. You should speak to a lawyer who can advise you properly on your individual circumstances.

How long does the Extradition process take?

For Arrest Warrant cases under Part 1 of the Extradition Act 2003,…

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For Arrest Warrant cases under Part 1 of the Extradition Act 2003, an extradition hearing is meant to commence within 21 days of your first appearance in court. In practice, this date will often be adjourned and the whole process usually takes around 2 – 3 months.

For non-EU cases under Part 2 of the Act, extradition usually takes around 6 – 9 months.

The actual extradition hearing can take anything from a matter of hours to many days depending on the complexity of the case.

What happens if I am the subject of an Extradition Request?

If you are the subject of an Arrest Warrant or…

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If you are the subject of an Arrest Warrant or an arrest warrant issued following a request to the Secretary of State then you are liable to immediate arrest.

On arrest you will be taken into custody and transported to Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London no matter where you are in England and Wales.

Sometimes you can be arrested before any Extradition Request or Arrest Warrant has actually been received if the authorities believe that a request is imminent.


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