Corporate Immigration Strategy & Support for Human Resource Departments

Corporate Immigration

Helping Human Resource departments grow businesses by hiring and retaining the right people, with the right skills, from around the world.

UK corporate immigration has become extremely complex with escalating government ambiguity and an emphasis on self-regulation.

This makes it hard for Human Resource departments to:

  • Hire and retain the staff needed to grow businesses
  • Minimise the risk of negative press and reputation damage
  • Reduce employment proceedings
  • Avoid criminal and civil penalties

Meet Corporate Immigration objectives, minimise legal risks

We are an award winning, London based, full service immigration law firm with over 26 years experience in UK corporate immigration law.

As a boutique law firm focused on UK immigration law, we are experts at providing custom immigration strategies and support that helps Human Resource departments hire and retain the right people needed to grow their businesses whilst mitigating the risks posed by the shifting legal environment.

Our Corporate Immigration Services for Human Resources Departments

  • Training and development on all aspects of UK immigration
    • In-house training
    • Offsite training
    • Monthly newsletters
  • Strategic planning for upcoming law changes and compliance advice
  • Prevention of illegal working
    • Day 1 Right-to-Work checks including:
      • Workers without restriction
      • Workers from the European Economic Area
      • Workers with time limited immigration status
      • Employing students or switching them to other Points Based System categories
    • Sponsor Management System assistance/full legal representation:
      • Level 1 duties and responsibilities
      • Sponsor change of circumstances
      • Migrant change of circumstances
  • Attendance at Home Office visits and audits
  • Record keeping and reporting
  • Recruitment advice
  • Graduate recruitment schemes and programmes
  • Milkround advertising
  • Immigration due diligence:
    • Assess compliance with Points Based System
    • Conduct immigration/HR audits
    • Sample reviews
  • In-house document procurement
    • Translations
    • Certification
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