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Tier 4 - Child

The Tier 4 (Child) visa is available to applicants who are between 4 and 17 years of age, studying at a licensed Tier 4 sponsor fee paying independent school.

The applicant must first obtain a Confirmation of Acceptance (“CAS”) from such a school before they can apply for the visa.

A Tier 4 (Child) visa will be granted for up to six years or for the duration of the course, plus four months after it ends. For children aged 16 or over the maximum period of leave granted is three years plus four months after the end of the course.


Parent of a Tier 4 (Child) Migrant

If your child is under the age of 12 and attends an independent fee paying school, one parent can apply to come to the UK with the child.

The parent must maintain their main home outside the UK and must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and any dependants during their stay in the UK.

On this visa, the parent cannot make the UK their main home and cannot study or work in the UK. Furthermore, the parent cannot switch into a different immigration category when the visa expires.

The visa is usually issued for either 6 or 12 months. Before the expiry of the visa, the parent can apply to extend the visa for 12 months at a time until the child reaches 12 years of age, at which point the parent will be required to leave the UK.

Special arrangements need to be made if a Tier 4 (Child) student is to be looked after by a foster carer or a relative in the UK instead of a parent or guardian.




How long will a Tier 4 (Child) visa be issued for?

Tier 4 (Child) visa applicants under the age of 16 may be permitted to stay up to 6 years and 4 months. If aged 16 or 17, the maximum period the applicant can receive will be 3 years and 4 months.

What are the required documents for a Tier 4 (Child) visa application?

When applying for a Tier 4 (Child) Student visa, a child will need to have an unconditional offer to study at an eligible institution. The child will also need a valid passport/ID, evidence that they can meet the course fees and cost of living in the UK, consent from a parent or legal guardian and in some cases TB test results.

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