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Important information for the end of the Brexit Transition Period and the EU Settlement Scheme, if you or your close family members are an EU / EEA Citizen

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Immigration Latest From Gherson

Posted by: Gherson Immigration

Gherson is a London law firm specialising in UK immigration, nationality, extradition and Human Rights law.

As the world of UK immigration law is continuously evolving, with new immigration routes, new guidance and new rules being implemented regularly by the Home Office, it is essential to keep up-to-date with the latest immigration news and announcements. We aim to report on the majority of these changes via our blogs. We also often post overviews of the various immigration routes and discuss requirements within the different visa categories. 

So what have we been talking about recently?

Late Applications To The EU Settlement Scheme – Clarity Provided

The EU Settlement Scheme was set up as a result of Brexit in order regularise the status of EU nationals living in the UK. Under the Scheme, there is a deadline by which EU nationals must submit applications to remain in the UK lawfully and as the deadline of 30 June 2021 approaches, concern has been voiced over how the Home Office will respond to those who miss this deadline. 

Here we discuss what might be accepted as “reasonable grounds” for missing the deadline:, posted 19 April 2021.

What Is The Representative Of An Overseas Business Visa? 

This immigration route is designed for senior employees working for an overseas business who wish to enter the UK to establish a branch or subsidiary of the overseas entity in the UK. 

In this blog we review the restrictions and requirements of this visa category:, posted 16 April 2021.

Concerned About Applying For Settled Status Due To Excess Absences As A Result Of COVID-19?

Under the EU Settlement Scheme, applicants can apply for either Pre-Settled Status (if they have been in the UK for less than 5 years) or Settled Status (if they have resided in the UK for 5 years and have not been absent for more than 6 months in any 12 months period). 

As a result of the pandemic, many people have been, or still are, unable to return to the UK and this has meant their absences over the qualifying 5 year period for Settled Status may have exceeded 6 months in any 12 month period. We discuss here was options may be available to those who are hoping to apply for Settled Status, but who may been concerned about excess absences:, posted 9 April 2021. 

What Is An Intra-Company Transfer Visa?

This visa route is aimed at multinational organisations who wish to transfer existing employees to the UK to continue working in a UK branch of the company. 

We explore here both the Intra-Company Transfer visa and the Intra-Company Graduate Trainee visa in respect of the advantages, the eligibility requirements, how long a migrant can remain in the UK and the application process:, posted 8 April 2021. 

Gherson has extensive experience in all aspects of UK immigration law. If you have any queries relating to the blogs published, or are interested in talking to us about your specific circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact us for further advice. 

The information in these blogs is for general information purposes only and does not purport to be comprehensive or to provide legal advice. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information and law is current as of the date of publication it should be stressed that, due to the passage of time, this does not necessarily reflect the present legal position. Gherson accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information contained in these blogs. For formal advice on the current law please don’t hesitate to contact Gherson. Legal advice is only provided pursuant to a written agreement, identified as such, and signed by the client and by or on behalf of Gherson.

©Gherson 2021


Sarah Green 

  Sarah Green

  Solicitor in our Corporate and General Immigration Team

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