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Extradition Appeals and Second Opinions

If the Magistrates’ Court has ordered your extradition you may be able to appeal that decision but there are extremely tight timeframes for doing so. It is therefore, essential that you act quickly and seek expert advice, which our specialised extradition team is able to provide.

Similarly if you already have representation but would like a second opinion on your case or appeal feel free to contact us. It is crucial that you get the right advice. The law in relation to extradition appeals has tightened up considerably in recent years and it is essential to ensure that you present the strongest possible case at first instance, as it may be too late on appeal.

For immediate assistance contact us.



Our Experts

Roger Gherson Roger Gherson

Founder and principle of Gherson Solicitors.


Contact Us

For advice on immigration, nationality, extradition or human rights, please contact us now.

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