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Before the Court of Appeal the Secretary of State has conceded that in making a decision to refuse an illegal entrant's application for leave to remain she was obliged to take account of his children's best interests.

The Law Society has warned that UK business will suffer as a consequence of the UKBA's proposals to limit settlement in the UK for those who come here to work

Readers familiar with this site will know that keeping up with the requirements for leave to enter or remain under the points based system is not easy. Four separate statements of changes in the Immigration Rules have been issued so far in 2011, and it isn’t even autumn yet.

Months after new Immigration Rules introduced Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) it has now become possible to apply for entry clearance in this capacity.

Issued on July 13 2011 the United Kingdom Border Agency’s most recent consultation document - on "family immigration" - is its most radical so far.

The Asylum and Immigration Chamber of the Upper Tribunal has decided that the requirement in the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations whereby "extended family members" must be accompanying or joining their EEA national relative must not be read so as to disqualify people who enter the UK before their EEA national relative, whether they enter legally or illegally.

The government's consultation document Employment-related settlement, Tier 5 and overseas domestic workers sets out proposals which, if implemented, will transform the entire framework of the UK's immigration regime

The UKBA has announced that it will shortly implement measures whereby people granted leave to remain in employment categories which were deleted with the advent of Tier 2 of the Points Based System - and who were granted "incorrect extensions" of their leave to remain in the UK under Tier 2 can be granted leave to remain to bring the aggregate of their leave to remain in the UK up to a total of five years.

By one more Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules the coalition government has completed the second phase of its revision of the student immigration regime which is Tier 4 of the points based system. At the same time the entitlement of family members (other than their spouses, civil or same-sex partners or their children) who are dependant upon their family members granted asylum in the United Kingdom to join them here has been greatly restricted with the introduction of new Immigration Rules.

The United Kingdom has amended the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006 to make them compatible with the Citizens' Directive covering the free movement of family members of citizens of the European Economic Area.

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