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In R (on the application of HSMP Forum (UK) LTD) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2009] EWHC 711 (Admin) (6 April 2009) the HSMP Forum has repeated its success of almost exactly one year ago.

Gherson provides a comprehensive service to its clients who wish to apply for British nationality by

One of Gherson's clients has succeeded in her appeal against the Secretary of State for the Home Department's refusal to extend her stay in the UK under a new category of the Points Based System (PBS) - that of a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant.

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that from 6 April 2009 staff at its public enquiry offices will accept applications for leave to remain in the UK with respect to certain categories.

The UKBA’s Tier 4 draft policy guidance – for students wishing to study in the UK - has been published on its website.

On 22 February 2009 the United Kingdom Border Agency's (the "UKBA") website announced dramatic changes to the regime under which migrants can come to the UK to work.

In November of 2008 the government’s Identity and Passport Service issued draft regulations to be implemented as secondary legislation to the Identity Cards Act 2006, which received royal assent on 30 March 2006.

From 3 March 2009 nationals of Bolivia, Lesotho, Swaziland and Venezuela will all have to apply for visas if they wish to visit the United Kingdom. So will South Africans, unless they have visited the UK before using the passport they currently hold. 

Back in November of last year an extensive statement of changes in the Immigration Rules (HC 113) implemented Tiers 2 and 5 of the United Kingdom Border Agency’s points based system.  It also introduced a distinct category for business and special visitors and introduced new routes for visiting sportspeople and entertainers, based on previous concessions. 

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that Tier 4 of its “points based system” will become operational at the end of March 2009.

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