Overstayers and Illegal Entry

People who are not British citizens, European nationals, or do not have the right of abode in the UK must have permission to come to the UK. Some nationals can come for a short visit without needing a visa, but everyone coming for more than six months will need a visa.

If you come to the UK without permission, or if you give false information or travel on false documents, the Home Office may declare that you have entered illegally and try to remove you from the UK.

If you come to the UK but stay after your permission has run out, then you will be an overstayer and the Home Office may try to remove you from the UK.

People who are illegal entrants or overstayers do not have permission to work in the UK, and it is a criminal offence to employ them. There are other criminal offences connected with illegal entry or overstaying.

If you think that you might be an illegal entrant or an overstayer  you can seek legal advice in confidence, to examine your situation and options.

Employers and others who are concerned to avoid breaking the law can also seek legal advice.

Gherson and Co are recognised for our 'extensive experience' in sorting out complex immigration cases and providing practical immigration advice. Contact us to find out what are your options and how we can assist you in your application.