Highly Skilled Migrants Programme (HSMP)

The Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) is unique among categories whereby a person from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) comes to the UK to work for an employer or to be self-employed. This is because the person working for an employer does not need to have a fixed job offer or other arranged work before they arrive in the UK. Successful applicants under the HSMP are free to change employers when they wish, and to work as consultants or start up their own business, with no specific requirements other than the general requirements that apply to anyone, British or from overseas, in self-employment or setting up a company in the UK.

Whether or not you qualify as ‘highly-skilled’ is measured by awarding points for different attributes. Since December 2006, when the scheme was changed, points have been awarded for academic qualifications and on the basis of previous salary, with top-up points for those who have worked in the UK before, and for younger applicants. It is necessary to demonstrate proficiency in English to qualify under the scheme.

At the moment, when you have been in the UK for five years as a Highly Skilled Migrant you can apply for settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain - ILR), subject to meeting the Home Office requirements. Check our articles for more information on the scheme.

This is an extremely flexible immigration status as successful applicants may take whatever employment or self-employment they wish, as long as it is within their field.

At the moment, lawyers are seeing very strict, and often restrictive, interpretations of the rules and evidential requirements.  Although we have an excellent record of making successful HSMP applications. Contact us to discuss your requirements and how we can assist you with your application.