监管机构和 检察机关




我们完全理解,欧洲众多的机构以及国际刑警组织和欧洲刑警组织等多重司法管辖区的机构,可能意味着必须从多个方面就调查进行辩护。无论挑战是来自哪个司法管辖区,我们也会专业地保障为我们的客户提出强有力的辩护。 我们也善于为受到引渡请求的人辩护。




Am I entitled to legal aid?

Legal aid …

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Legal aid is means tested and is only available to those with a yearly income under a certain threshold. Those who do not qualify must either pay privately or represent themselves.

We only operate on a privately funded basis.

Can I speak to a lawyer?

Yes, you h…

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Yes, you have the right to be represented. At the police station you can ask to call a lawyer of your choosing.
At court you are entitled to be represented throughout.

It is possible to arrange representation before arriving at court – this can be done directly yourself or through your family.

Those who have no lawyer at court will be offered the opportunity to speak to the duty solicitor free of charge. There is a rota of solicitors at court every day who deal with any unrepresented defendants.

The duty scheme is only available for your first appearance at court, after this you will need to arrange your own lawyer.


